Monday, August 24, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Last Week Before We Start School

For Monday, August 24, 2009:

Outside my window. . . it doesn't look like it will be quite so hot today. Let's hope. I'm ready for Fall.

I am thinking. . . about my own faults. In Season's of a Mother's Heart, Sally Clarkson challenges readers to think of two things in their lives that could hold them back from building their homes/families on the Rock and then pay the price to deal with these hinderences now. For me the hinderences are difficulty in submitting (which gives my children a very poor example regarding obedience) and dealing with negative emotions such as anger and irritability(which only spreads itself to my children).

I am thankful for. . . "A new day, fresh with no mistakes in it." Who can tell me where that lovely quote is from?

From the learning rooms. . . I'll be collecting books at the library, setting up the notebooks and "bulletin boards", and heading out over the weekend for a few last-minute supplies like a roll of brown paper and some corn husks (any idea what we're studying next week?).

From the kitchen. . . Tonight we are having BBQ, cheddar, bacon chicken patty sandwiches. I must say I'm looking forward to it.

I am wearing. . . A Hard Rock Cafe tee and some purple plaid PJ pants.

I am creating. . . the first Christmas gift -- still. It is taking me a while to get it done. Hoping that, once I get this done, other choices will prove easier and less time-consuming.

I am going. . . To the library tonight, or maybe today, I don't know.

I am reading. . . Agatha Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles. I think I know "whodunnit". Almost done.

I am hoping. . . To see some good friends tomorrow. Our good friends from the Poconos are at their nearby cabin this week, and we are hoping to get together tomorrow. I haven't told G yet, though, in case something doesn't work out.

I am hearing. . . My little M&M hard at play. Little does she know she has a well visit today. YUK.

Around the house. . . it is deep clean day, but I don't know exactly how much we'll get done as J is off from work for the day.

One of my favorite things. . . the Anne of Green Gables movies -- except for that "Continuing Story" monstrosity. What was that man thinking?

A few plans for the rest of the week: M&M's well-baby visit today, the library today, guests tomorrow, small group on Thursday (I think). . .

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:


Jerralea said...

I don't know who said that quote about a new day with no mistakes in it, but I love it!

I loved reading all the Agatha Christie books. I had quite a few of them in paperbacks years ago. I haven't read them in ages, now you've made me want to delve into them again!

That is such an adorable photo of the little girl reading!

Snuffygirl5 said...

I am reading "Anne of Green Gables" right now and loving it more than I did as a girl! I enjoyed your daybook, especially the reference to "The Continuing Story" monstrosity! I agree!